Sweet Grass Cooperative is a co-op of family-owned ranches and farms that have been producing truly grassfed beef since before grassfed beef was cool. To us, grassfed beef isn’t a marketing strategy-it’s a way of life that we believe in with all our hearts.
In March of 2010, seven ranches and farms met and formed Sweet Grass Coop, in the hopes that together we would be able to do what one small ranch usually finds impossible to do-provide a year-round, reliable supply of fresh truly grassfed beef raised in a way that upholds our values.
Sweet Grass has grown to twelve ranches and farms of slightly cantankerous ranchers and farmers who raise high quality, well-finished, totally grassfed beef, market it collectively, and help each other stay on our growing edge as land managers. That’s who we are and what we do.
Why we do what we do is implied in the name Sweet Grass Coop. In looking up the word “sweet,” one definition you find reads “having a generally agreeable taste, smell, sound, appearance; agreeable to the mind; gratifying; characterized by kindliness and gentleness.” This is what we want to provide to customers -the pleasure of the moment of eating, as well as the lasting benefits of being full, energized, and healthy. We want to provide food that was raised with ‘kindliness and gentleness’ towards the animals, plants, soil, waterways, airshed, and to our communities.
It’s been said that you can’t claim a value unless you put it into action. The abundance of claims and certifications slapped onto food labels needs to be more than just words: they need to be practiced daily on the ground by people who raise food. When Sweet Grass says its beef is grassfed, we really mean it. Our grassfed protocols are based on university research into the health benefits to cattle and therefore, to you.
Sweet Grass members live on the land. Some ranches have been in the family for seven generations. We don’t just make a living from this land, we are of this land, personally invested in its welfare.
At Sweet Grass, every cow has a ranch and every ranch has a story.
We welcome you into ours.
George Whitten
Founder of Sweet Grass Co-Op

Family Owned

Humanely Raised

Sustainably Focused